Death Underground
Merely feet away, secret horror out of site
Stacked in sets of 12, deteriorating, crumbling technology
Towers that I can remember all my life, standing like great
My mind and thoughts return to you
Silent, deadly little secret
Nobody will know the ultimate price for your existence
Children play and don’t sense that you could be there
Dark winter afternoons, cold beckoning, dead and lifeless
Towers that I can remember all my life, mysterious and
Radar listening in all directions
Nobody will know that you haunt me
Looking up, you block my view of the sky
Night stars, auroras, eclipse, darkness
Towers that I can remember all my life, falling to pieces
Gone, forgotten, destroyed
What lies below may still be there
Merely feet away, secret horror out of site
Never knowing your potential anguish
Smoke, sirens, the earth moving under my bed
Towers that I can remember all my life, ghosts burned into
Empty, lifeless, scares
Remind me of where you once stood
Merely feet away, secret horror out of site